An exciting change to the our normal landlubber and muddy boot activities was to advise on the technical aspects and undertake site inspections of the house bit of this boat destined to be moored on the Thames.
We are pleased to have gained Planning Permission, P/01160/13, for our clients at 23-29 Cliff Road, Cowes for a scheme to add roof gallery and terrace to nos 23 27 and 29 proposed balustrade on front and rear elevations at roof level to no 25.- Planning Permission
Quotes and Client Testimonials
We are pleased to have gained Planning Permission, P/01160/13, for our clients at 23-29 Cliff Road, Cowes for a scheme to add roof gallery and terrace to nos 23 27 and 29 proposed balustrade on front and rear elevations at roof level to no 25.- Planning Permission